Having little hard data at the
post-secondary level and none at the secondary level on the effectiveness virtual worlds in education, Dr. Fox investigated whether or not the integration of
the virtual world learning environment (VWLE), Grand Central Grid, into a unit
designed to meet the federally mandated e-rate requirement to teach Internet
safety and digital citizenship, has a positive impact on student achievement,
higher order thinking skills, and student motivation. This study focused on the following research questions:
1. What impact does the integration of a VWLE into a unit designed to meet the federally mandated e-rate requirement to teach Internet safety and digital citizenship have on student achievement?
2. What impact does the integration of a VWLE into a unit designed to meet the federally mandated e-rate requirement to teach Internet safety and digital citizenship have on higher order thinking skills?
3. What impact does the integration of a VWLE into a unit designed to meet the federally mandated e-rate requirement to teach Internet safety and digital citizenship have on test motivation?
An action research study was used to address each of the research questions. This was a quantitative action research study using scores from achievement tests, tests of higher order thinking skills, demographic information provided by the school district and by the students themselves, and motivation self surveys,. It is considered action research because the study took place in the researcher’s own computer application courses during the 2010 – 2011 school year.
Summary of findings: The integration of virtual worlds on student achievement, higher order thinking skills, and test motivation is an equally effective and viable alternative to traditional teaching methods, and offers advantages of social skills and communication development.
Please contact Amy if you would like more information on the results of this study. The research paper can be downloaded by clicking the file on the publications page.
1. What impact does the integration of a VWLE into a unit designed to meet the federally mandated e-rate requirement to teach Internet safety and digital citizenship have on student achievement?
2. What impact does the integration of a VWLE into a unit designed to meet the federally mandated e-rate requirement to teach Internet safety and digital citizenship have on higher order thinking skills?
3. What impact does the integration of a VWLE into a unit designed to meet the federally mandated e-rate requirement to teach Internet safety and digital citizenship have on test motivation?
An action research study was used to address each of the research questions. This was a quantitative action research study using scores from achievement tests, tests of higher order thinking skills, demographic information provided by the school district and by the students themselves, and motivation self surveys,. It is considered action research because the study took place in the researcher’s own computer application courses during the 2010 – 2011 school year.
Summary of findings: The integration of virtual worlds on student achievement, higher order thinking skills, and test motivation is an equally effective and viable alternative to traditional teaching methods, and offers advantages of social skills and communication development.
Please contact Amy if you would like more information on the results of this study. The research paper can be downloaded by clicking the file on the publications page.